Monday, March 3, 2014

Prelude Posters - Sibelius Symphony No. 2

"Music begins where the possibilities of language end." - Sibelius

Jean Sibelius, the great Finnish composer, worked primarily in the symphonic form and in the tradition of previous romantic orchestrators.  His novel use of thematic transformation and structural organization made him a true inheritor of the symphonic tradition in line with Beethoven.  Sibelius himself was a curious public figure and his personal demons haunted his work and hindered his output at times.  The symphonies, though, are unique and unlike any others in the canon; they garner huge popularity with audiences, composers, conductors, and performers.  The Symphony No. 2 is less Tchaikovskian than his first, but still one can hear influences.  We have listened to many interpretations of this masterpieces and prefer the more stark versions which follow closely to the score and minimize the lushness which can become a bit treacle.  Salonen conducting is an excellent choice all around.  Our imagery is made up of dashed lines--similar to the opening string motif--and dot elements which are significant articulations in the melodic material which follows in the woodwinds.  These motifs are explored throughout the work in the most unique and organic manner which are hallmarks of this composers style.

Posters prints are available in our shop here; check out more products including pillows, phone cases, large prints here.

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